Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh, the guilt...

So, for those of you that may not be acquainted with weightwatchers (WW), you usually get so many points a day to eat, plus 35 weekly allowance points. Well yesterday, at our family's mini draft-day party, I managed to obliterate 22 of those 35 points... in ONE DAY!!! Most of it during dinner. I'd hate to see what that number would've been, had I actually made the mozzi stix, too! They also give you negative points, if you will, for activities. I'm getting better at racking those up each week, so again, that makes me feel a little better.
I hate trying to lose weight. The process usually has me bored by the time I'm 2 weeks into it, at which point I usually give up and deal with all the lovely negative emotions that go along with that. I'm trying to get past that point this time. I love the way my body feels after a good round of exercise, and even better if I've fueled myself properly that day, as well. So why do I let it go after just a few weeks? I think it may be due to lack of support in the house. My husband doesn't really care one way or the other, and our roommate eats enough junk to keep a convenience store in business. I've started posting on the WW forums, trying to find friends and support there, but in someways, it just isn't the same. Oh well. We'll see how things are in another week or so.

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