Moving sucks, for a multitude of reasons. Ok, not a multitude, but enough.
To be fair, I usually enjoy moving... going to a new place, meeting new people... even the packing, to a point. But when one is moving within the same town (and for me right now, the same complex) where it's a lot of small loads, going back and forth, for days at a time... it drains the life out of me. All I want to do at the end of the day (or middle of the day, or whenever) is collapse into a gooey pile somewhere. Especially when I'm trying to keep my daughters' schedules as normal as possible.
Now, throw in the fact that I've started getting serious about my weight loss/exercise/eating program. Moving puts a real dent in my time availability. Some would argue that moving in and of itself is good exercise (believe me, 4 flights of stairs 20 times a day is NO joke!), but my body's craving more, and I don't have the time, and it's incredibly frustrating. I don't want to get out of the habit before I can completely get into it!!
The upside of moving is that its a great opportunity to sort through all those things I'd been putting off for so long. "I'll do it later..." is suddenly "I've got to do this now!" Perfect excuse for tossing papers and magazines that haven't been looked at in months, if not years (don't tell the husband :D)!!
On yet another note, I went and signed up for WeightWatchers again. I did reasonably well on it last time without exercising, so it stands to reason that doing it again with exercise will increase the results; and I'll take that equation any day of the week! So for the full effect, I'll be posting "beginning" pictures sometime before next Monday (keep a paper nearby, so you can cover them up, so your screen doesn't assplode!)
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