Yesterday morning I got a wild hair to go for a run. Me... yeah, right. So, I carried my happy self up to the gym and hit the treadmill, not expecting to do much more than walk. That's all I ever do, since running/jogging makes my asthma act up and breathing becomes incredibly difficult. But, what the hell... a few minutes in, I start a slow jog. And I jogged. Then walked for a few more minutes. Then jogged some more... all with only mild breathing issues. WHAT?? Out of that 20 minute treadmill session, I probably jogged 5-6 minutes of it. Not a lot, but not bad for someone who hasn't been able to run for the last 13 years. (I'm getting to the food, I promise...)
So today, I'm on full runner's high... my body wants back on that treadmill at a full sprint so bad I can almost taste it. Who would've thought I'd be becoming a runner at my age? But the thought brings the problem: how do I change my diet? No, not as in restricting my food intake until you can count my ribs from a mile away; but to eat correctly for the exercise that my body is apparently craving? I spent a good portion of my afternoon (while waiting for the WoW servers to come back up) looking up so-called "runner's diets"... the prognosis isn't good. I can't really eat like this with a family and being a full-time student. I need something that is quick and easy, yet fulfills the nutritional needs. If anyone has something, please let me know!
Which brings me around to the friends part, which also occurred yesterday. I have a lot of people in WoW (that's World of Warcraft, for those of you that are in a cave somewhere...) that I call friends; that's just me. I don't need you to live next door for me to try to get to know you a bit. However, for all of my "friends", I also understand that the feelings are not necessarily always reciprocated. So when I get a chance to see that a "friend" is truly a friend, it always makes my day.
By the way, coffee's ready...
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